
Long blisters must be handled carefully to teach you how to heal blisters!

Favorable reply

Operation method

For painless blisters, it can allow natural healing without draining the liquid. The complete protection of its blisters can also prevent bacterial infection. After a few days, the liquid in the bubble will naturally disappear.

If it is a painful blister, use the sterilized needle to drain the liquid in the blister. Before draining the blisters, disinfect and clean the skin around the blisters (soapy water, medical alcohol). When draining the blister, do not remove the loose skin, because it can be used as a protective layer to protect the wound later.

When the liquid is dry, rub some antibacterial ointment on the blister to prevent bacterial infection. After wiping the ointment, wrap it with breathable and clean gauze.

Two or three days later, use sterilized scissors to remove loose skin, and then sterilize, apply ointment, and bandage. Then wait for it to heal.

Young 2024-05-01 05:38:14
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