
How to wax the car?

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It really costs a lot of money to buy a car, so we should pay attention to our own car maintenance, and sometimes we can save a lot of money by doing some small maintenance for the car ourselves! So today I would like to talk about the method of car waxing. I hope you like it.

Operation method

First, it is very necessary for us to wax the car, but one thing to tell you is that new cars should not be waxed in about a year. Because it is unnecessary, the new car itself has a good polishing, so waxing is equivalent to destroying the car.

Second, the car needs to be cleaned before waxing, otherwise the effect of waxing will be poor. We should remember that we should never use corrosive household detergent or car cleaning products. We recommend friends to use professional car wash fluid and use soft towels to wipe.

Third, everyone should squeeze the car wax onto the wax sponge. I like to use a sponge myself. Of course, you can also choose some soft towels. At the same time, when waxing, you should draw circles on the car body to wipe it, so that it can be applied evenly.

Fourth, we need to wait for about 10 minutes when we finish painting the car wax, which is a necessary process and cannot be omitted. In addition, there are two kinds of wax: liquid wax and solid wax. I prefer liquid wax. I think liquid wax is easier to use.

Fifthly, after waiting for about ten minutes, we can use a clean waxing towel to wipe and polish our car. At this time, we can use a little force on the car body. I suggest friends use professional car washing towels and waxing sponges when waxing.

Sixth, you should pay attention to that the car cannot be waxed in the sun. In this way, the car waxing effect will not be good, and the car wax on the car will be difficult to be uniform, and even there will be many defects. You must pay attention to it.

Seventh, just after waxing, don't hurry to drive, because if the car is exposed to the sun at this time, the wax surface is difficult to wipe, and when driving the car, the body will be stained with dust, which will become scratches. It doesn't look very beautiful.

After talking about the basic method of waxing, I would like to tell you that too much waxing is not very good for cars. My suggestion is that you can wax your car once every two months or so, which will improve the maintenance of your car. If your car's parking and driving environment is not good, you can wax it once a month.

Bifrost 2024-05-17 01:08:38
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