
Advantages of multi-storey buildings compared with middle and high-rise buildings and high-rise buildings

Old people worried
Favorable reply

The multi-storey housing is a typical urban collective housing, which mainly relies on the vertical traffic of public stairs. It has certain advantages over middle and high rise buildings (small high rise buildings) and high-rise residential buildings.

Operation method

In terms of construction investment, multi-storey residential buildings do not need to increase the investment in elevators, high-pressure water pumps, public walkways and other aspects like middle and high-rise residential buildings, and the rate of housing acquisition is relatively high.

In the design of house type, the design space of multi-storey residential house type is relatively large, and the living comfort is relatively high.

In structural construction, multi-storey residential buildings usually use brick concrete structure, so the construction cost of multi-storey residential buildings is generally low. However, multi-storey housing also has shortcomings, which are mainly reflected in: (1) The living conditions of the ground floor and the top floor are not ideal, the safety and lighting of the ground floor residents are poor, and the toilet is easy to overflow and smell; The residents on the top floor are inconvenient to get up and down because there is no elevator. In addition, the roof has poor heat insulation and water resistance. (2) Difficult to innovate. Due to the finalization of design and construction technology, it is difficult to innovate in the structure, building material selection and spatial layout of multi-storey residential buildings, resulting in the disadvantage of "one building is like a thousand houses". If we want to innovate, we need to increase investment and lose the advantage in price and cost.

Old people worried 2024-05-19 21:21:42
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Q: The method and ingredients of fish soup

Answer: 1. Clean the fish. If the surface of the fish is slippery and sticky, you can use a small amount of salt to scrub it more cleanly. 2. Cut off the fish bones and tail, but don't cut them. If you are afraid of getting them, cut them off, and then cut them into pieces. Or you can boil the whole piece of soup. Just cut a few cuts on the fish to make it tasty. 3. Cut into pieces, not too thin, or the fish will be easily broken when making soup. 4. Prepare two small pieces of tender tofu, cut them into dice for use, and boil fish soup with tofu. The fish soup is white, thick and delicious. 5. Then prepare a piece of ginger slice, cut it more to prevent fishy smell. If it is home grown local ginger, take a small piece of it and smash it. There are also two dangshen, which can be cut off almost for use. They are all seasonings to remove fishy smell and freshen up. 6. Heat the pan and pour some oil into it. The oil should not be too hot, and use low heat. 7. Put some pieces of ginger, put the fish into the pot and fry it over low heat. 8. Fry until both sides are slightly golden, and pour in a little cooking wine to eliminate fishiness. 9. Then pour boiling water, and the boiling water should not be less than the fish. The water will evaporate in the process of boiling the fish, and it is better not to add water halfway. 10. Open the fire to boil fish soup for 15-20 minutes. 11. In the middle, the fish soup boils and the white bubbles on it are fished out. 12. Add ginger slices and Codonopsis pilosula, and then add a little cooking wine to eliminate fishiness. 13. Finally, add tofu, pickled cabbage or green melon, and boil it gently. 14. Boil for about ten minutes. Add salt chicken essence or a small amount of pepper according to your preference. 15. After boiling, it can be taken out of the pot.

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