
What should I do if my phone is stuck in the boot screen all the time

Fireworks swamp
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Operation method

First, you should know which screen is stuck. If it is the first screen, there may be a problem with the boot partition. If this is the problem, you have to take your mobile phone to a professional repair shop to have a rest.

If it is the second screen, the system may be damaged. You need to use the software to download the ROM and restart the machine.

Recovery mode Dual clear (restore factory settings) When the phone is turned off, press and hold the volume up key first, then press the power on key for 10 seconds, and the phone enters recovery mode. The volume up and down keys are for selection, and the power on key is for confirmation. Select wide deta/factory reset, select yes, and format the reset. Select the wipe cache partition, select yes, and clear the data. It is better to reboot system now. The first boot is slow, please wait patiently. Different phones enter recovery in different ways.

Fireworks swamp 2024-05-04 22:19:53
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