
DNF Antoine Black Volcano 5 Diagram Introduction

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Operation method

The battle area of mode 1 and BOSS is composed of floor. When stepping on the floor, it flashes blue and turns into orange floor. The active floor becomes black after 10 seconds. BOSS will switch between red gas and blue gas every 5 seconds. When the bar is full, different special effects will be caused according to the gas: blue gas: ignite all inactive black floors. Red smell: ignite all activated orange floors. Players standing on the lighted floor will suffer continuous damage. The ignited floor has the following characteristics. 1. The lighting duration lasts for 15 seconds. 2. The lighting status is cancelled when the floor is activated or inactive. Therefore, the fire ignited by inactive floor players will be extinguished when they step on the activated floor. If the activated floor is lit for 10 seconds, it will be extinguished when it is converted to inactive. The floor BOSS that is already being ignited will not reset the ignition duration if it is re ignited. Maierdi is invincible on the inactive floor.

Mode 2 BOSS enters an instant invincible state when being attacked for a certain number of times and extends its arms forward to generate a whirlwind. After that, the floor within the shock wave range will be activated and ignited by launching the shock wave forward.

The mode 3 BOSS generates a purple floor in front of itself every 12 seconds. Players who step on the floor will be trapped by black beads and unable to move, and will explode in 5 seconds to cause great damage to the surroundings. Black beads can break about 1000W of blood.

Mode 4 [Restore Strength] [Output Time] [Others] Disables the use of stun and capture attacks. The BOSS will enter the invincible state for 10 seconds after being moved to the middle in a blink, and will immediately summon green and blue crystals on the map. Blue crystal causes damage to players. Green crystal can restore HP. Players who eat the blue crystal for 10 seconds or at the end of the duration will suffer great damage. After the continuous effect ends, BOSS will reset all the crystals on the map and enter a weak state for 10 seconds, and summon green crystals around. When the weak state is relieved, the remaining green crystals around will be absorbed to restore your life. When the coping strategy enters the crystal attack mode, BOSS will become invincible, so concentrate on recovering the crystal. After entering the weak state, although the output is important, don't forget to eat the green crystal and don't give the BOSS a chance to return blood.

wishing you prosperity 2024-05-01 10:37:10
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