
Teach you how to read minds

Bless you at the corner
Favorable reply

Operation method

When speaking, it is very likely that you are lying if your eyes glance to the left and up unconsciously.

The sudden acceleration of speaking speed may be caused by the untruthfulness of the previous words.

Sometimes when you are nervous, you will unconsciously grab the corner of your clothes or put your hand in your pants pocket.

When the other party makes a hasty decision, it must be that he is not sure about the matter and wants to make it happen, leaving him no choice.

Bless you at the corner 2024-05-05 01:34:42
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Q: What are the procedures for obtaining a tobacco license

Answer: The tobacco monopoly retail license shall be examined and issued by the tobacco monopoly administrative department at the county level. To obtain a license for tobacco monopoly retailing, the following conditions shall be met: (1) there shall be funds suitable for the provisions of the retail trade of tobacco products; (2) Having a fixed place of business; (3) Meet the requirements of reasonable distribution of tobacco products retail outlets; (4) Other conditions stipulated by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration. An enterprise or individual applying for a tobacco monopoly retail license shall submit an application to the local department of tobacco monopoly administration at the county level. If the application meets the requirements after examination, the department of tobacco monopoly administration at the county level shall examine and approve the issuance of the license within 30 days from the date of submission of the application. If the conditions are not met after examination, the certificate shall not be issued, but the reasons shall be explained to the applicant within the above time limit.

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