
What to do if the car is scratched

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Operation method

The slightly scratched paint damage is on the surface of the finish paint, which can be completely repaired by waxing. The mixture is used for treatment. The wiping method is straight line wiping, and then waxing. You can use coarse wax first, then fine wax, from inside to outside in the same direction, so that the fine scratches are almost removed.

Another way to save money is to use toothpaste to repair the light scratches, and then use soft cotton cloth to wipe counterclockwise. After several times, it can not only reduce the scratches, but also avoid air erosion on the car paint.

For severe scratches, if you can see the color of the primer layer, the owner can first clean and dry the car, apply rust remover on the scratches, wait about 15 minutes, and then wipe the rust remover with tissue paper to avoid further rust on the scratches.

A touch up pen can be used for a slightly larger scratch. Touch up pens are available in general auto supplies stores. Owners can buy a touch up pen with the appropriate color number after reporting their car model and official color name. Before use, shake the paint in the paint repair pen evenly, and repair the primer like nail polish. You can add a certain amount of thinner to the paint repair pen so that it can be sprayed out smoothly. Carefully spray the position to be repaired. After the paint repair pen is dry, apply fine wax.

If the scratches and dents left on the car surface after collision do not fall off and paint falls off, perfect repair effect can be achieved through the dent repair technology. Use a crowbar to push the sunken steel plate outward from the inside, and then use a rubber hammer to knock it from the outside to the inside to repair the overall shape. Finally, use a sharp thing like a pencil head to fine tune and highlight the convex marks of the car body.

If the bumper is only slightly scratched, although it is not a big problem, it is full of scars and looks ugly. You must find a way to repair it. The car owner should first cut off the burr on the bumper, preferably with a knife, to smooth the whole, and apply putty on the potholes to make it smooth.

Clivia 2024-05-01 12:43:38
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