
Five methods for identifying jade articles

Half the city is fireworks and half the city is desolate
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Many people who are interested in jadeite will ask a question: how to identify jadeite. Facing the chaotic market, how to identify it? Let's find out.


The first is texture. The natural jadeite is transparent or translucent in texture, and its surface is oily and shiny. After careful observation, it can be seen that there are slightly transparent "salt grains" that are nearly round and fibrous materials around them.

The second is hardness. The natural jadeite is jadeite, and its Mohs hardness is 7 degrees. It can be carved with a sharp knife without leaving traces; The fake jade has low hardness, and the sharp knife can carve traces.

The third is to see its green nature. When the natural jadeite is observed against the strong light, it can be seen that there are other mineral particles in the emerald flash, which is called emerald flower or emerald; Fake products made of glass, plastic and porcelain have no such "green" characteristics.

Fourth, the relative density. The natural jadeite is hard and compact in structure, without bubbles, with high density and crisp sound when striking; Fake products have loose structure or bubbles, low density, and hoarse but not crisp knocking sound.

Last but not least, look at color. The authentic green color is rich and pure. Some counterfeits are white jade, serpentine, Australian jade, Korean jade, dolomite and even miscellaneous stones. After decolorization, they are poured into high hard plastic slurry and color added, or immersed in green liquid to make "color added jadeite". When observed under strong light, green lines can be seen, which are messy and small; Some of them do not show lines, but they are turbid and have poor gloss, and their weight is lighter than the original.

Half the city is fireworks and half the city is desolate 2024-05-09 06:05:21
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