
Stir fried Guangdong Cabbage Heart

True and false happiness
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Now the Chinese New Year is coming, and my family will prepare a lot of fish and meat. Big fish and big meat are often not conducive to health, so I would like to introduce a green, delicious, healthy and good food. Stir fried Guangdong Cabbage Heart

Operation method

Remove the old leaves of Guangdong cabbage and wash them. Peel and slice garlic

Open the fire and heat the frying pan. Pour in a proper amount of oil. Shake the pan back and forth so that the oil can fully cover the bottom of the pan

When the oil is heated, pour in cabbage and garlic slices, stir fry over high heat, and then add lard and salt

Boiling out in 5 minutes

hot tip

Want a big fire

True and false happiness 2024-05-15 22:25:36
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