
Can lotus root be eaten raw

Icebound sunset
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Lotus root can be eaten raw, but the following points should be noted:

1. Cleaning: The raw lotus root needs to be thoroughly cleaned, and the skin and soil should be cleaned to avoid ingestion of impurities and bacteria.

2. Slicing: raw lotus root needs to be cut into thin slices for better digestion and absorption.

3. Selection: choose fresh and undamaged lotus root to avoid deterioration or harmful substances.

4. Chewing: raw lotus root is more difficult to digest than cooked lotus root, so it needs to be chewed sufficiently to better absorb the nutrition.

In a word, raw lotus root can be eaten, but attention should be paid to cleaning and slicing. Fresh and undamaged lotus root should be selected and chewed sufficiently to better absorb the nutrition. It is suggested that lotus root should be cooked or steamed to make it safer and easier to digest.

Icebound sunset 2024-04-16 15:37:13
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