
How to connect Win7 to WiFi

fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one 's origin
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Operation method

Click the computer logo at the bottom right of the screen. Find the wifi name you want to connect to in the pull-up menu, and double-click the wifi name.

Enter the correct wifi password. Wait a few seconds.

After the computer is connected to the wifi, right click the wifi. Select and click Properties.

In this dialog box, check the box in front of "Automatically connect when this network is in range".

fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one 's origin 2024-05-10 07:27:09
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Q: Why is it said that there is a sea under Linyi

Answer: It is said that the underground of Linyi is the sea, which is derived from the story of Turtle City. The underground of Linyi is not the sea, which is just a rumor. Linyi is not a coastal city, and the land under its feet does contain abundant groundwater resources. Most of the domestic water and industrial production water comes from groundwater. Geologists have never stopped studying the distribution of groundwater in Linyi. Linyi is centered on Yi River and Shuhe River, surrounded by mountains in the west, north and east, and forms a fan-shaped alluvial plain in the south. The area ratio of mountains, hills and plains is 2:4:4. Mountainous areas are concentrated in Yishui, Yinan, Mengyin, Pingyi, Feixian, Junan and other counties. The terrain is relatively high, and the altitude is generally more than 400m. Mountainous vegetation is relatively dense, which is the main base for the development of forestry and animal husbandry.

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