
How to recuperate for less menstruation

Sadness and warmth
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How should girls recuperate less when menstruating? We all know that menstruation is generally between 30 and 50ml, so girls with less than 30ml menstruation have less menstruation. In fact, this is abnormal.

The reason for less menstruation is that less menstruation may be caused by mood. Sometimes our long-term boredom or anxiety will cause great mood fluctuations, which will lead to unstable menstrual cycle. So we must adjust ourselves and be happy. In this way, I am in a good mood, happy and happy, and let my menstruation be normal.

Young mothers will often change their living habits, which also has an impact on menstruation. For example, if you wash your hair regularly, it will be abnormal during menstruation. Then we must pay attention to our habits and keep our bodies warm.

Pay attention to diet during menstruation. If you eat something that should not be eaten before or during menstruation, it will easily lead to less menstruation, so pay attention to your diet.

Keep yourself warm. Don't wear too few clothes for your beauty or sexiness. Change the number of clothes according to the weather, especially the feet. Be careful.

Sadness and warmth 2024-05-19 00:48:21
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