
Why enamel is more expensive than blue and white porcelain

Hear songs by the moonlight
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Enamel color and blue and white porcelain are both traditional Chinese handicrafts, but enamel color is more expensive than blue and white porcelain for the following reasons:

1. Manufacturing difficulty: The manufacturing process of enamel color is complex and requires multiple firing. Each process requires very fine and superb technology. Therefore, the manufacturing difficulty is greater than that of blue and white porcelain.

2. Material cost: enamel color is made of glass glaze fired at high temperature, which is relatively expensive, while blue and white porcelain glaze is made of natural minerals, which is relatively low-cost.

3. Decoration effect: The decoration effect of enamel color is very rich and colorful, with bright colors, and can show more details and three-dimensional sense, so it can attract more consumers' attention. The decoration of blue and white porcelain is mainly blue, which is relatively simple.

4. Rare: The manufacturing history of enamel color is shorter than that of blue and white porcelain, so the rarity of enamel color is higher, the supply in the market is relatively small, and the price is higher.

To sum up, the reason why enamel color is more expensive than blue and white porcelain is mainly due to the combination of manufacturing difficulty, material cost, decoration effect and rarity.

Hear songs by the moonlight 2024-04-17 20:35:20
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