
What are the common shortcut keys for photoshop (ps)?

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Artists and designers always use Photoshop, but it's a lot of trouble every time! I don't know the shortcut keys. Now, what are the common shortcut keys for Photoshop (ps)?

Operation method

1、 File New CTRL+N Open CTRL+O Open as ALT+CTRL+O Close CTRL+W Save CTRL+S Save as CTRL+SHIFT+S Save as Web Page Format CTRL+ALT+S Print Setup CTRL+ALT+P Page Setup CTRL+SHIFT+P Print CTRL+P Exit CTRL+Q

2、 Edit Undo CTRL+Z Step Forward CTRL+SHIFT+Z Step Backward CTRL+ALT+Z Step Backward CTRL+SHIFT+F Cut CTRL+X Copy CTRL+C Merge Copy CTRL+SHIFT+C Paste CTRL+V Paste In Place CTRL+SHIFT+V Free Transform CTRL+T Transform Again CTRL+SHIFT+T Color Settings CTRL+SHIFT+K

3、 Image adjustment → Color scale CTRL+L adjustment → Automatic color scale CTRL+SHIFT+L adjustment → Automatic contrast CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+L adjustment → Curve CTRL+M adjustment → Color balance CTRL+B adjustment → Hue/saturation CTRL+U adjustment → Color removal CTRL+SHIFT+U adjustment → Reverse CTRL+I extraction CTRL+ALT+X liquefaction CTRL+SHIFT+X

4、 Layers Create a new layer CTRL+SHIFT+N Create a new layer by copying a layer CTRL+J Ungroup with the previous layer CTRL+G Merge layers CTRL+E Merge visible layers CTRL+SHIFT+E

5、 Select Select All CTRL+A Deselect CTRL+D Select All CTRL+SHIFT+D Invert CTRL+SHIFT+I Feather CTRL+ALT+D

6、 Filter last filter operation CTRL+F

7、 View verification color CTRL+Y gamut warning CTRL+SHIFT+Y zoom in CTRL++zoom out CTRL+- full canvas display CTRL+0 actual pixels CTRL+ALT+0 display additional CTRL+H display grid CTRL+ALT+'display ruler CTRL+R enable alignment CTRL+; Lock reference line CTRL+ALT+;

8、 Rectangle and ellipse box selection tool [M] cutting tool [C] moving tool [V] lasso, polygon lasso, magnetic lasso [L] magic wand tool [W] airbrush tool [J] brush tool [B] image stamp, image stamp [S] history record brush tool [Y] image eraser tool [E] pencil, linear tool [N] blur, sharpen, daub tool [R] Lighten, deepen, sponge tool [O] pen, free pen, magnetic pen [P] add anchor tool [+] delete anchor tool [-] directly select tool [A] text, text mask, straight text mask, straight text mask [T] measurement tool [U] linear gradient, radial gradient, symmetric gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient [G] Paint bucket tool [K] Straw, color sampler [I] Grab tool [H] Zoom tool [Z] Default foreground and background color [D] Switch foreground and background color [X] Switch standard mode and quick mask mode [Q] Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar [F] Temporary use of mobile tool [Ctrl] Temporary use of color absorption tool [Alt] Temporary use of grab tool [Space]

Rare intentions 2024-05-15 23:40:29
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