
How to recover quickly after cesarean section?

The taste of coffee
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After a natural birth, it only takes three days to leave the hospital. But cesarean section is different. The recovery is much slower than natural delivery, and there are many aspects that need attention; There is a large amount of bleeding during the operation, and there is a wound on the abdomen, which is easy to be infected. Let's take a look at the quick recovery method after cesarean section!

Operation method

After the operation, go back to the ward and lie on the pillow for 6 hours, without eating or drinking. However, new moms generally do not feel thirsty or hungry, because they have already supplied nutritional energy liquid through vein after surgery.

After the operation, the catheter will be kept for 12 hours, and there will be an instrument to detect blood pressure and heart rate. The accompanying husband should pay attention to checking regularly to help medical personnel better care for the puerpera, especially the puerpera with pregnancy hypertension, which is still a dangerous period 24 hours after delivery.

Six hours after the operation, you can put a pillow on your pillow to encourage the new mother to roll over in bed and eat liquid food, such as chicken soup, egg soup, fish soup, ribs soup, pig hoof soup, porridge, etc., to avoid eating foods containing sugar and milk, so as not to cause gas.

After the new mummy exhausts, she can eat wonton, noodle soup, egg soup and other hard food. It usually takes about 2 days for the new mother to eat anything after defecation. However, we should avoid eating cold and hard food during the month.

After the catheter is pulled out, the new mother should get out of bed as soon as possible to prevent intestinal adhesion and lower limb vein thrombosis, which is also conducive to the recovery of uterine and intestinal functions.

Drink more water, promote urination as soon as possible, and avoid urinary tract infection.

Some new moms just pull out the urine pipe, and the urethra will feel uncomfortable and cannot urinate. This is because of the irritation of the urinary tube. Don't be nervous. You can use a hot towel to smoke and wash the abdomen, and the symptoms will improve.

After the operation, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash the perineum with warm water every day, and wash your face, feet, teeth and nipples every day. Don't blindly believe in the previous practices of confinement without paying attention to personal hygiene, which may easily cause puerperal infection, bring unnecessary trouble and affect postpartum recovery.

Breastfeed your baby as early as possible. Colostrum has a high nutritional value, which is conducive to improving the immunity of babies, as well as helping mommy's uterine contraction and body shape recovery, so as to reduce postpartum hemorrhage and increase milk secretion.

hot tip

The dressing for abdominal wounds can be removed within 3-4 days after discharge. As the puerperium sweats a lot, it is best to wipe the wound with water every day, and frequently change and wash underwear.

When taking a bath, cover the wound with plastic wrap to avoid taking a bath for a long time.

The taste of coffee 2024-05-14 02:59:12
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