
Can you eat broad beans after 5 months of quick freezing

Under the warm sun
Favorable reply

After 5 months of quick freezing, the quality and taste of broad beans may decrease, but they are usually safe to eat. Here are some considerations:

1. Check the appearance of broad beans: if the appearance of broad beans has obvious changes, such as discoloration, softening, stickiness or odor, they should not be eaten.

2. Smell: If broad beans have peculiar smell or smell, they should not be eaten.

3. Cooked: In order to ensure safety, it is recommended to cook broad beans before eating. Cooking can kill potential bacteria and viruses.

4. Attention to allergy: If you are allergic to broad beans, you should not eat them.

In short, after 5 months of quick freezing, broad beans can be cooked and eaten if they have normal appearance and no peculiar smell. However, it is recommended to eat food within the shelf life as much as possible to ensure the quality and safety of food.

Under the warm sun 2024-04-20 18:54:22
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