
How can wow improve the level of artifact

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Open World of Warcraft 7.0 - After the arrival of the Legion, in order to meet the players' desire for legendary costumes, the game has added a career hall, where legendary weapons will be rewarded when the corresponding tasks are completed. The default level of weapons is 750. How should we improve the level of artifact?

Operation method

After completing a series of tasks in the profession hall, the profession will be rewarded with the corresponding talent artifact, that is, each profession will have three legendary weapons. Individual classes, such as druids, will have four legendary weapons. You can select one talent or two talents to improve the weapon level according to your preference.

The legendary weapon just obtained has only 750 equipment level, and there is only one way to improve the equipment level of the artifact, that is, to embed the artifact in the socket of the artifact. It is said that the level of weapons depends entirely on the quality of the artifacts inserted into them.

Sacred objects also have good or bad quality, and the color is the same as the equipment, from green, blue to purple. The system will prompt how many item levels will be added to the legendary weapons when the mouse points to the artifact.

In addition, artifacts can not be inserted into the slots of legendary weapons. Each slot will have requirements for the attributes of artifacts, such as shadow artifacts and blood artifacts. In addition, if the weapon is said to have a artifact, it can only be replaced (covered) and cannot be removed.

At the beginning of getting the legendary weapons, there are only two slots for the holy artifact by default. If you want to open the third slot, you need to do a series of tasks in the career hall to open it. The task only needs to be done once, and all the slots of the third artifact of all legendary weapons will be opened.

The energy point of the artifact cannot change the equipment level of the artifact. The energy points of the artifact are used to add legendary weapon talents. It is said that the talent points of weapons are activated by the embedded artifacts and holy objects. If there is no corresponding holy object to add a talent, you will be prompted that you cannot connect.

Since each profession has many legendary weapons, don't rush to sell the artifacts and holy objects obtained in the ordinary games. It is possible that the current weapon does not need this artifact, but other legendary weapons just need the artifact with this attribute, so as not to find out the level of other legendary weapons in the future.

Say goodbye to the past 2024-05-23 03:03:13
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