
How can children often catch a cold?

Face the future with a smile
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We all know that colds are mainly caused by the poor resistance of the body. Bacteria and viruses enter the body through the respiratory tract. Children's immune system is not perfect, so colds often occur

What should we do when children often catch colds? The first thing we should think about is to strengthen children's resistance. For example, we should take children out for sports. Occasionally, we can consider giving children food to strengthen their immunity

In addition, many colds are also caused by careless hygiene, so we must learn to teach children to wash their hands frequently. In addition, we should try to avoid going out in smoggy days, or wear masks

Finally, children usually don't use antibiotics for colds, so colds may get better slowly, which requires the care of parents, urging children to drink more boiled water, and eating food that is easy to digest as far as possible, which can effectively prevent colds

Face the future with a smile 2024-04-16 23:30:25
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Q: How many days will it take to eat the vegetables after they are treated with pesticide

A: It usually takes about a week to eat the dishes with pesticides if they are low toxic pesticides, and at least two weeks or more if they are high toxic pesticides. The residue periods of all kinds of pesticides are marked on their instructions. Generally, the residual pesticides attached to the vegetable leaves will volatilize in five days to a week, but for safety reasons, it is better to soak them in detergent for 10-15 minutes, or in water for 30-60 minutes. The pesticide can be removed faster by soaking in detergent. Among leafy vegetables with heavy pesticide pollution, leek and rape are the most polluted. Solanaceous vegetables such as green peppers, tomatoes, etc., tender pods such as beans, etc., and bulbous vegetables such as onions, garlic, onions, etc. are relatively less polluted by pesticides, but some are relatively large. Try to buy fruits and vegetables in the regular market with health supervision. If the product package has one of the four signs of "quality safety", "pollution-free product", "green food" and "organic food", it is relatively safer and more reliable.

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