
How to match a scarf

Know the world and not the world
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This article mainly shares personal experience on how to match a scarf to be beautiful.

Operation method

When winter comes, scarves are essential for keeping warm. Let me share with you the matching skills of scarves, bring you various styles of scarves from European and American trendsetters, and teach you how to tie fashionable scarves. Winter is more beautiful and moving, and the matching coat is thinner.

Scarves are an essential item for winter warmth preservation. When European and American stars go out, they like to use scarves to create concave shapes. The matching of scarves is very skillful, and the matching of scarves and woolen hats is more delicate.

Scarves and big clothes, windbreaker coat is the most suitable for windy days. This blue windbreaker is more classic and easy to wear. The belt design makes mm wear small waist cloth. The black and white striped bottoming shirt is matched with pink pencil pants, and the white lace scarf is still beautiful!

Know the world and not the world 2024-05-18 13:32:24
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