
How to make steamed bread loose and big?

Ten years of military service, lonely heart
Favorable reply

Operation method

First, mix the flour with a proper amount of fermentation powder, and then add a small amount of water and a few grains of white granulated sugar, which can dissolve yeast.

Try to use about 30 degrees of warm water to mix the noodles. The principle of adding more water with less water is adopted, that is, add a little water, and then add more water several times to prevent dilution due to too much water.

After kneading the dough, put it in a basin, cover it with wet cloth and let it wake up for about an hour. It is recommended that the environment should be 75% humidity and 37 ℃ temperature.

Then cut the dough with a knife or knead it with your hands to make a steamed bun. After boiling, steam it in a pot for 15 minutes.

Ten years of military service, lonely heart 2024-05-06 06:49:35
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