
How to whisper to friends in QQ

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Operation method

First, open your friends list and find the person we want to send a whisper.

After opening the chat interface, we click the small sign at the position shown by the "arrow" in the lower right corner.

After clicking Open, we will find that there are various functions, but there is no whisper on this page, so we should turn to the second page in the direction shown in the figure.

After turning to the second page, there are three functions left. You can find whispers at once.

If you are using whisper for the first time, first we should open the settings in the upper right corner.

Turn on the function of using whispers in the settings (as shown in the figure, green is turned on).

After opening it, we return to find a small sign like "pen head" at the bottom of the interface. Click it.

After clicking Open, we can start to send whispers. As shown in the figure, write what you want to say to your friends and click Send in the upper right corner.

If the message is sent successfully, the interface in the figure will pop up. Here we can see the whispers sent to friends or received from others.

Whispers will arrive instantly like ordinary messages, but in another form, and the other party can't check who we are!

Still water depth 2024-05-09 04:43:59
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