
How to write the application for joining the Party

South of the North Sea, spring sleepless
Favorable reply

Operation method

title. Write "Application for Party Membership" in the middle.

Title. It is generally written as "Respected Party Organization", with the top case on the first line followed by a colon.

The main body, which is the most critical part of the application for joining the Party, mainly includes three aspects: first, the understanding of the Party and the motivation for deep desire to join the Party, and second, personal resume (education and work experience), family members and major social relations. Third, their own strengths and weaknesses and the direction of future efforts. That is, the main performance of individuals in politics, ideology, learning, work style, discipline, etc.

ending. At the end of the application for joining the Party, it is generally possible to write "ask the Party organization to test me in practice" or "ask the Party organization to see my actual actions" as the end of the text. After the text is written, add words such as "Sincerely, salute", or leave it blank.

Signature and date. After the application for Party membership is completed, the name of the applicant shall be signed, and the application time shall be year, month and day.

South of the North Sea, spring sleepless 2024-05-03 21:02:08
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