
Shanghai Food Guide

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Shanghai steamed buns. Speaking of the delicacy and daintiness of Shanghai people, a small steamed bun is enough to show! The skin is thin, the meat is delicious, and the soup is fresh. Everyone must "gently lift, slowly move, open the window first, then drink the soup, and finally sweep away", and dare not mess around at all. In terms of elegance and decency, Xiaolongbao recognized Shanghai as the second place, and no one dared to say first. Today's steamed buns are more and more diverse, with goose liver stuffing, durian stuffing, and colorful leather... Don't make a fuss, because you are in Shanghai!

Shanghai Fried Buns. Traditional fried buns are mostly made in big iron pans from street shops. The bottom is very crisp, golden yellow, and sprinkled with sesame seeds and chives before being taken out of the pot. It smells fragrant. It's small, and there is no soup. The raw fried bun in reform is thin in skin but not scorched at the bottom. Be careful to scald the mouth with soup, and the meat filling is elastic.

Shanghai noodle soup. Shanghai people love noodles very much, which is different from the enthusiasm of the northwest noodles with a wide range of varieties. Shanghai noodles pay attention to the fine taste of chopsticks and spoonfuls of soup. The thick soup is topped with fragrant toppings. With the ingenuity of Shanghai chefs, they can match countless choices to satisfy people's taste buds from breakfast to midnight snack.

Our gang braised meat in brown sauce. Our cuisine is particular about thick oil and red sauce. Thick oil refers to a large amount of lard put in on the one hand, and thick soup on the other hand; Red sauce refers to the color of braised rice, mainly from soy sauce. If you ask a Shanghainese what kind of food he likes, nine out of ten are braised pork in brown sauce.

Noodles in Scallion, Oil and Soy Sauce. Shanghai people love noodles very much, which is different from the enthusiasm of the northwest noodles with a wide range of varieties. Shanghai noodles pay attention to the fine taste of chopsticks and spoonfuls of soup. The thick soup is topped with fragrant toppings. With the ingenuity of Shanghai chefs, they can match countless choices to satisfy people's taste buds from breakfast to midnight snack.

Crab feast. When Shanghai people say "crab feast", they definitely mean hairy crabs. Every September and October is a good time for hairy crabs to come on the market. The crab paste is golden and oily, and the crab meat is full of fresh and sweet. Just talking about Quanmei has made her mouth itch. As for how to choose, just remember these two words: in September, you should eat female crabs, when the female crab roe is full of meat; In October, you should eat male crabs. At this time, the male crab paste is firm.

Shanghai smoked fish. Shanghai smoked fish is burnt outside and tender inside. It tastes sweet. With the traditional process, the pickled and tasty herring sections are first fried with oil until the skin is wrinkled and the meat is not old, and then the fried fish sections are dipped into a sauce made of various spices and condiments and smoked with sugar until they are colored and tasty. The taste is burnt outside, tender inside, and sweet in the mouth.

Sixi baked bran. Sixi Baked Bran is a wonderful dish! People often eat at ordinary times and also eat during the Spring Festival; The common people eat at home, and the rich also eat at home; It can serve rice, porridge and noodles. There is no better food that can arouse Shanghai people's greediness.

Enlightenment 2024-04-30 17:57:52
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Q: Can the catering invoice be deducted

Answer: 1. No. Catering belongs to personal consumption and cannot be deducted. The cost that the grass roots and departments can control through their own efforts in catering management. That is, those costs that can change their amount in the short term. Generally speaking, variable costs are controllable costs. 2. If the management personnel change the share of each dish, or strengthen control over the purchase, acceptance, storage, production and other links of raw oil, the cost of catering products will also change. Some fixed costs are also controllable costs. 3. Advertising and marketing expenses, overhaul expenses, management expenses, etc. Relevant operators can save the consumption of raw materials, material consumables and water and electricity energy through their exquisite skills and sense of responsibility, so as to reduce or control the cost to a certain level. The management of controllable cost is an important aspect of catering cost control.

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