
Easily solve toilet blockage

Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn
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Sometimes the toilet is blocked and the water tap doesn't work. The good mood of the whole day disappears when looking at the sewer that can't drain. In fact, with a few simple tips, you can not make an appointment to dredge people and property, and upset things should be solved as soon as possible.


Acid and alkali dredge, acid is oxalic acid, alkali is caustic soda, choose one of the two. After the caustic soda is boiled and the water is melted, it is poured into the toilet, and the sewer can be dredged within ten minutes. An appropriate amount of oxalic acid can be poured into the toilet to neutralize the urine alkali and dredge the pipeline. Both have their own shortcomings. Oxalic acid is easy to corrode the porcelain glaze layer of the toilet, and caustic soda cannot remove the dirt caused by urine alkali, so it should be used according to the actual situation.

If it is a siphon type water closet, you can use tape to seal the toilet. If there is no air leakage, press it to flush. Because of the pressure, the tape will bulge slightly in the middle. Press it hard to dredge the pipe.

If there is a vegetable market near home, the loach can also be dredged very well. If you buy it and put it in the toilet, slowly pour hot water into it, the loach will try to drill down because of the rising water temperature. As long as there is no hard object blocking the sewer, it can be easily dredged.

Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn 2024-05-17 12:22:50
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