
What should I pay attention to when my boyfriend and girlfriend live together?

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First of all, you must adapt to each other's living habits when cohabiting, regardless of how gentle the other person is in love, but when you live together, you will find that there is nothing like love, so try to adapt to each other's untidiness or slovenness

In addition, don't fight for economic problems. Sometimes people who just live together don't know how to deal with economic problems and choose to avoid them. What I want to say is that we must be frank about economic problems to avoid unnecessary troubles.

However, you must be tolerant in life and work. After cohabitation, your boyfriend may not be as romantic as before, and may become busy. Your girlfriend may be more dependent on you. All parties must be tolerant.

Finally, we must pay attention to contraceptives when cohabiting, and take precautions when sex is unavoidable.

original 2024-04-16 23:51:20
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