
How many pairs of sterilized tableware and glass

Wind at the end of sunset bridge
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The weight of the sterilized tableware glass depends on the size and thickness of the cup. Generally speaking, the weight of an ordinary glass is between 100g and 200g. If the glass is thickened, the weight may be heavier.

Before disinfection, the tableware and glasses need to be cleaned. Disinfection treatment can use disinfectant or high-temperature disinfection method.

When using disinfectant to sterilize tableware and glasses, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the disinfectant. Generally speaking, the concentration of disinfectant is 500 mg/L, and the disinfection time is 30 minutes. The amount of disinfectant depends on the number and size of tableware and glasses.

The high-temperature disinfection method is to put tableware and glasses into the high-temperature disinfection cabinet for disinfection. The temperature of high-temperature disinfection cabinet is generally above 80 ℃, and the disinfection time is 30 minutes. During high-temperature disinfection, the weight of tableware and glass will not change.

In a word, when disinfecting tableware and glasses, it is necessary to select appropriate disinfection methods and disinfectants according to the specific situation, and operate according to the instructions. After disinfection, it needs to be thoroughly washed to ensure that there is no residual disinfectant.

Wind at the end of sunset bridge 2024-04-21 12:47:14
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