
Complete recipe of fish ball soup

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Operation method

Wash and shred turnips, prepare fish balls, wash and cut coriander

Heat up the pan, pour the oil, heat the oil, stir fry the scallions, put the radish into the pan, stir fry

Stir fry the fish balls

Boil and add salt

Cook quickly. Put the coriander in. Turn off the fire and add some sesame oil

Bamboo 2024-05-06 08:16:47
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Q: Can boiled potato skin cure white hair

Answer: Potato skin boiling water can really dye your hair black. Potato skin hair dyeing is based on the browning principle of potatoes. Because there are tyrosine and tyrosinase in potatoes, under the catalysis of this enzyme plus oxygen, a reaction called browning will take place, tyrosine will gradually become another substance, and finally these substances will converge to become melanin. Therefore, boiling water with potato chips to dye hair will indeed cause blackening. How to dye your hair with boiled potato skin 1. Clean the potato, peel it, and fill a cup with it. 2. Prepare about two cups of water to boil the potato skin, and boil the potato skin with water in the ratio of 1:2. 3. Soak it for another 5 minutes until it cools down. Then separate the potato skin from the water and fetch water. 4. After normal hair washing, first rinse off with water, dry with a towel, then brush the hair with potato skin water, stay for a while, and rinse once.

Does black absorb heat 2020-07-15

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