
What are the symptoms of H7N9 avian influenza and how to prevent it

No longer let the dream wither
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Symptoms: fever, cough and other acute respiratory infection symptoms, especially high fever and dyspnea. After the emergence of response cases, the local health department attached great importance to it, took timely measures such as clinical treatment, epidemiological investigation, sample collection and submission, medical observation of close contacts, and strengthened the monitoring of cases of pneumonia of unknown causes. The National Health and Family Planning Commission attached great importance to the epidemic. After receiving the report of severe pneumonia with unknown causes, it immediately sent expert working groups to Shanghai, Anhui and Jiangsu to guide the local rescue and investigation of patients, held a multi department meeting and chamber of commerce to analyze, study and judge the nature of the epidemic, and arranged and deployed relevant investigation, prevention and control and response preparations. After receiving the case report and the submitted samples, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention carried out epidemic risk research and laboratory testing research in a timely manner, and clarified the relevant pathogenic diagnosis. Preventive measures 1. Strengthen physical exercise, pay attention to supplement nutrition, and ensure adequate sleep and rest to enhance resistance. 2. Minimize unnecessary contact with birds, especially sick and dead birds. Wash your hands frequently, keep away from the secretions of poultry, and clean your hands thoroughly with disinfectant and water if you have touched birds or bird feces. 3. The quarantined poultry products should be purchased as far as possible in the regular places where the avian influenza epidemic situation is sold. 4. Develop good personal hygiene habits, strengthen indoor air circulation, and open windows for half an hour 1-2 times a day. When eating poultry meat, it should be boiled thoroughly. When eating eggs, the eggshell should be washed with running water. It should be cooked and heated fully, and raw or half raw eggs should not be eaten. Get enough sleep and rest, eat a balanced diet, and take more food rich in vitamin C to enhance immunity. Exercise regularly to increase the body's resistance to viruses. 5. Schools and kindergartens should take measures to teach children not to feed wild pigeons or other birds. If they come in contact with birds or bird droppings, they should immediately and thoroughly clean their hands. When traveling, try to avoid contact with birds, for example, do not go to bird watching gardens, farms, markets or parks; Do not feed pigeons or wild birds. 6. Do not despise the severe cold. The symptoms of avian influenza are similar to those of other influenza diseases, such as fever, headache, cough and sore throat. In some cases, it may cause complications and lead to death. Therefore, in case of respiratory symptoms such as fever, headache, nasal congestion, cough, and general malaise, you should wear a mask, go to the hospital as soon as possible, and be sure to tell the doctor whether you have been to the bird flu epidemic area before the onset, whether you have contact with sick birds, etc., and treat and use drugs under the guidance of the doctor.

No longer let the dream wither 2024-05-07 06:18:58
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