
Tea ceremony novice tutorial

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Tea ceremony novice tutorial

Tea Art and Tea Ceremony

Tea ceremony is the art of drinking tea with the purpose of cultivating morality, including four elements of tea ceremony, etiquette, environment and cultivation. Tea art is the basis and necessary condition of the tea ceremony. It can exist independently of the tea ceremony.

The tea ceremony takes the tea art as the carrier and depends on the tea art. Tea art focuses on "art" and learning tea art to obtain aesthetic enjoyment; The focus of tea ceremony is "Tao", which aims to cultivate one's mind and understand the main road through tea art. The connotation of tea art is less than tea ceremony, and the connotation of tea ceremony includes tea art. The extension of tea art is greater than tea ceremony, and its extension is between tea ceremony and tea culture.

The connotation of tea ceremony is greater than tea art, and the extension of tea art is greater than tea ceremony. The "art" here refers to the art of tea making, tea cooking, tea tasting, etc; By "Tao", we mean the spirit carried out in the process of art tea. There is Tao without skill, which is an empty theory; There is art without morality, and art without essence and spirit. Tea art, famous and tangible, is the external manifestation of tea culture; Tea ceremony is the spirit, reason, law, origin and essence. It is often invisible and intangible

But you can feel it through your heart. The combination of tea art and tea ceremony is the result of a high degree of unity of material and spirit. The connotation and extension of tea art and tea ceremony are different, so they should be strictly distinguished and not confused.

Drinking tea, tasting tea, tea art and the highest realm - tea ceremony Drinking tea: use tea as a drink to quench thirst. Tea tasting: pay attention to the color, aroma and water quality of tea sets, and drink them carefully. Tea art: pay attention to environment, atmosphere, music, brewing skills and interpersonal relationships. The highest realm - tea ceremony: integrate philosophy, ethics and morality into tea activities, cultivate one's morality, taste life and achieve spiritual enjoyment through tea tasting.

In China, "Tao" is a very serious thing, not a branch of life. Japan, on the other hand, takes some fur from China and calls it "Tao"! The root of Chinese and Japanese tea culture lies in China, but its development has gone in two different directions, which has its own inevitable factors

rose 2024-05-21 16:41:28
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