
Is Cordyceps sinensis good for soaking in water

juvenile male
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First of all, I want to say that Cordyceps sinensis is an extremely valuable tonic, but it has a disadvantage that its water solubility is relatively poor, so when you soak in water, all the nutrients will not be absorbed by you, resulting in waste.

All of you can use the method of directly cooking soup to nourish your body. In this way, the nutrition of cordyceps sinensis can be absorbed by the human body.

Another point is that Cordyceps sinensis wine is quite good. If it can be reused, all the nutrients in it can be absorbed.

The last thing I want to say is, of course, this is a very good thing. If you are really weak, you can eat it raw, but you should clean it.

juvenile male 2024-04-19 21:03:20
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