
Hearthstone Legend Druid Series Cards

reconcile oneself to one's situation
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Among the cards in the Legend of Hearthstone, there are roughly the cards of the druid profession. Here is a detailed explanation of the Hearthstone legend druid series cards!

Operation method

Basic card: Touch of Healing: It can instantly restore 8 points of HP of the player. It is a life saving straw card necessary for blood regeneration, and consumes 3 points of mana. Sweep: Cause three points of damage to the enemy target you choose, and other small soldiers cause one point of damage, which is also a card with high damage. The mana cost is four points. Normal Card: Claw: This turn can increase the hero's attack by 3 points and consume 1 mana. Frustrated Roar: This round will reduce the attack of all the small soldiers of the other side by three points. Three points will have a great effect. This card will consume 1 point of mana. Activation: You can get two mana points at once. If you have a powerful card in hand, you will be helpless if you don't have enough power points. This card doesn't consume mana. Mark of Ferocity: add two points to the minion's taunt skill of this camp, and all kinds of taunts and hatred pulling skills will consume two points of mana. Moonfire: A card that causes a little damage to the enemy. It is not very useful, but does not consume mana. Wild power: It can add a little attack to your Xiaobian and summon a panther to help. Hahaha~~Yes, this card consumes two mana points. Wild growth: You can immediately gain an empty mana, which is also an auxiliary card, and does not consume mana.

Excellent Card: Nourishing: You can select one card and obtain two mana values, then draw three more cards. This card requires five mana. Savage: Generally speaking, the amount of your hero's attack can cause many points of damage to all the soldiers on the opposite side. It is a super skill, and its mana consumption is only 2 points. It is a must for small monsters. Among these skills of the druid, the order of their mana consumption is: nourish>sweep>touch of healing>wild mark, wild power, barbarism, wild growth>claw attack, frustration roar>activate, moon fire.

I think the Druid is a very powerful profession in the Hearthstone legend, but the play method of Hearthstone legend can be described as ever-changing. If the powerful cards are not applied well, they will lose. In the above ranking of mana consumption, some skills do not need to consume too much mana, but the skill effect is also very powerful. For example, the barbarism of the druid causes high damage to all enemy soldiers, which is a very good skill. Among the excellent card skills of the druid, the excellent card has another nourishment. The skill is very powerful. You can obtain 2 mana crystals and draw 3 cards by the way. Maybe one of the three cards is your lifeline, isn't it?

reconcile oneself to one's situation 2024-05-14 16:46:06
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