
How to use the Handoff of iPhone 6 iOS 8 system?

Warm and waiting, still beautiful
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Operation method

You can start an email on your iPhone, and then continue on your Mac. Or browse the web on the Mac, and then continue to browse the same page on the iPad. How to use the Handoff of iOS 8? 1. First open the setting application on the main screen, and then click "General". 2. Enter "Handoff and Suggested Applications". 3. Click to open the Handoff switch. 4. The applications you need will be displayed on the lock screen, application switcher and Mac Dock. This feature strengthens the connection between iOS devices and other Apple products, which was rare before. The Apple applications that Handoff already supports include: email Safari、Pages、Numbers、Keynote、 Maps, messages, reminders, calendars, and contacts. In addition, Apple has provided developers with the Handoff API, and we will see more applications supporting the Handoff function in the future. Of course, you must first have two or more Apple devices.

Warm and waiting, still beautiful 2024-05-14 01:32:43
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