
How to brew osmanthus wine

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Operation method

To pick sufficient fresh osmanthus, it is better not to choose morning or evening, because there is dew, and the operation is not very convenient. Pick out the residual branches, roots and leaves, screen and clean up. There is no difference in the variety of osmanthus. Of course, the golden osmanthus will be more fragrant.

Add rock sugar into the osmanthus and stir well. Put it in a sealed container, preferably opaque. Cover it with an extra cloth and leave it for three to five days. Note: Put it in a cool and dark place, do not often open it for inspection, to ensure better fermentation.

Pour proper white wine or rice wine into the container, and the wine with high quantity will have a better effect. After being sealed and placed in the shade for three months, you can drink osmanthus wine in Kaifeng. Of course, you can also place it longer, and the taste will be more mellow and full-bodied.

Osmanthus fragrans wine is praised as "women's happiness wine". It has the effect of appetizing and refreshing, strengthening spleen and tonifying deficiency. It is said that drinking osmanthus wine can prolong life! It is suggested that you drink more osmanthus wine, but please note that girls during menstruation should not eat it.

Happy life 2024-05-12 05:57:09
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