
How to prevent bird flu

Noon sun
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Avian influenza is a disease that spreads very fast. Now it is the season of high incidence of avian influenza. We have to study this disease carefully for everyone's health. Every disease has its cause. If we fully understand its root cause, we can shut it out. Therefore, bird flu is not terrible. As long as we understand its context, we can prevent bird flu. Now, I will teach you how to prevent bird flu.

Operation method

The biggest way to spread bird flu is through the air. We should disinfect our indoor environment every day to keep the virus out. If you want to go out, you should wear a mask and use a special mask. Ordinary dust masks cannot really isolate viruses in the air.

In terms of diet, we should pay attention to the invasion of viruses. No matter what kind of food it is, we should try to use the method of high-temperature cooking for disinfection. We should not eat raw food, especially the vegetables and fruits bought from the vegetable market, which should be thoroughly disinfected before eating. The kitchen should be properly disinfected.

People who try to keep their health in the best state can resist the invasion of many viruses. Therefore, improving our own immunity is also an important part of bird flu prevention. We should try to make scientific arrangements for our daily life.

If you feel unwell, you should seek medical attention in time. Avian influenza is a disease that attacks very quickly. If you have symptoms of a cold, you should do physical examination in time, and do not use drugs by yourself.

hot tip

As long as we pay attention to the above points at ordinary times, bird flu will not be so terrible.

Noon sun 2024-05-16 19:30:33
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