
Hi Mobile Phone Home Repair Process

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Hi Maintenance is a professional O2O mobile phone maintenance brand, which provides online booking and offline door-to-door service for iPhone and iPad.

Operation method

Search Open Hi Service

Select equipment failure type

Select equipment model and specific maintenance scheme

Fill in personal information and check maintenance information

After the order is placed, you can view the order progress in "Query Order"

A solo 2024-05-20 06:16:45
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Q: What does "two strikes and three controls" mean

A: The "two strikes and three controls" of drug control means to crack down on drug manufacturing crimes, drug trafficking crimes, drug production articles, high-risk drug users and drug trafficking channels. Drug control refers to the work of preventing and punishing drug-related crimes, protecting the physical and mental health of citizens, and maintaining social order. In other words, we should use the power of administrative decrees and mass supervision to urge those who take or inject opium and substitute narcotics to abstain from addiction, and restrict and ban the cultivation, storage, manufacturing, transportation, and trafficking of drugs and drug paraphernalia.

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Cigarette aircraft security does not need to be checked. However, if the quantity is too large, you should go to the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau to apply for a tobacco transportation license. Smoking is allowed on international flights. But generally, only two cigarettes can be taken, and others need to be checked. There are no restrictions on domestic flights. Ordinary economy class
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What to do if the drain hole of the refrigerator is blocked and cannot be poked

In general, the drain hole of the refrigerator will be blocked because the food residue enters the drain hole of the refrigerator during cold storage, which will lead to the blockage of the drain hole of the refrigerator. At the same time, the ice in the drain pipe of the refrigerator cannot be melted in time, which will also lead to the blockage of the drain hole
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