
Why High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Is on the High Side

Children chasing dreams
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The role of HDL cholesterol: In the examination of blood lipids, there are triglycerides, cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein. Among the four lipid items, only high-density lipoprotein has the function of protecting blood vessels and inhibiting arteriosclerosis, while others have the function of damaging blood vessels. Therefore, high-density lipoprotein is the substance we need to protect blood vessels. The cholesterol carried by high-density lipoprotein molecule is an endogenous cholesterol ester that is transported in reverse direction into the liver, and then the bleeding fluid is cleared. HDL takes cholesterol from cell membrane, which is catalyzed by lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase to form cholesterol ester, and then transfers the cholesterol ester carried to VLDL and LDL. It can be popularly understood as good cholesterol, anti atherosclerosis cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Normal value of high density lipoprotein cholesterol: 1. Male: 1.16~1.42mmol/L. Below 0.9 mmol/L is hypoalphalipoproteinemia. 2. Female: 1.29-1.55mmol/L. Below 1.04 mmol/L is hypoalphalipoproteinemia.

The reasons for high HDL cholesterol: 1. Primary HDL cholesterol will be high, which requires timely treatment of the primary disease. 2. The high HDL cholesterol may also be caused by overdraft of physical labor, injection of estrogen and insulin, taking contraceptives, niacin, insulin, heparin, vitamin e and other drugs. In this case, only proper rest is needed, and the drug can be recovered by stopping or reducing the dosage. 3. Cholestatic cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic liver injury, fatty liver and other diseases can also lead to high high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Clinical significance of HDL cholesterol test results: 1. Physiological increase: exercise (high HDL cholesterol for athletes), drinking, women taking contraceptives, some cholesterol lowering drugs, etc. 2. Physiological decline: people who exercise less, after stress reaction. 3. Pathological decline: coronary heart disease, hypertriglyceridemia, cirrhosis, diabetes, chronic renal insufficiency, malnutrition. 4. Pathological increase: chronic liver disease, chronic toxic disease, hereditary high density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Children chasing dreams 2024-05-03 19:24:48
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