
Where does the Chinese zodiac come from

A faint smell of smoke
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There are many opinions about the twelve zodiac signs, such as why there is no cat. Some people say that the cat asked the mouse to register, but the mouse forgot, and then the cat and mouse made friends. In fact, the twelve zodiac signs are arranged according to the twelve hours in ancient times

Operation method

[Child mouse] Midnight time: midnight, also called midnight. The first hour of the twelfth hour is now from 11:00 to 1:00. This is the time when mice are active, so it is called "Child mouse";

[Ugly Cow] Ugly Time: The second hour of the twelfth hour is from one o'clock to three o'clock now. Cattle are accustomed to eating grass at night. Farmers often get up late at night to raise lights to feed cattle, so it is called "Ugly Cow";

[Yinhu] Yinshi: In the morning and at dawn, it is now three to five o'clock. At this time, the tiger is the most ferocious. The ancients often heard the tiger howling at this time, so they called it "Yinhu";

[Maotu] Maoshi: The sunrise is from 5:00 to 7:00 now, and it's just dawn when the rabbits come out of the nest and eat the grass with morning dew, so it's called "Maotu";

[Chen Long] Chen Shi: The time of eating, that is, breakfast time, is now 7:00 to 9:00. At this time, it is generally easy to get foggy. It is said that the dragon likes to ride the clouds, so it is called "Chen Long";

[Sishe] It's high time: in the middle of the corner, that is, near noon, it's now 9:00 to 11:00. At this time, the fog disappears, the sun shines high, and the snakes go out of their holes to feed, so it's called "Sishe";

[Noon Horse] Noon: in the middle of the day, that is, at noon, from 11:00 to 13:00 now. In ancient times, wild horses were not tamed by humans. Every afternoon, they ran around and neighed, so they were called "Noon Horse";

[Weiyang] Weishi: Japanese products, also known as Riyang, which means that the sun is in the west, is now between 13 and 15 o'clock. Some local officials call this time "sheep out of the slope", that is, when sheep are herded, so it is called "Weiyang";

[Shen Monkey] Shen Shi: It's from 15:00 to 17:00 now. The sun is turning west. Monkeys like to crow at this time, so they are called "Shen Monkey";

[Youji] Youshi: also known as sunset and sunset, that is, when the sun goes down, it is now from 17:00 to 19:00. When the sun goes down, the chickens turn around in front of their nests, so it is called "Youji";

[Xugou] Xushi: At dusk, when the sun has set and the sky and the earth are dim, it is called dusk, which is now from 19:00 to 21:00. At this time, people all rest behind closed doors and dogs lie in front of the door to guard, so it is called "Xugou";

[Hai Zhu] Hai Shi: When people are calm, it is also called "Hai Zhu", that is, in the dead of night, it is now from 21:00 to 23:00. At this time, in the dead of night, you can hear the sound of pigs arching grooves, so it is called "Hai Zhu";

As for why there is no cat, in fact, cats are not native animals in China, and there are many explanations about where they came from, which need to be carefully studied.

A faint smell of smoke 2024-05-17 10:07:04
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