
Fool's Day spoof SMS

Looking at the empty moon
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I have always wanted to find a festival to celebrate for you, but there is no festival suitable for you. You are over age on June 1st, and March 8th has passed. Now it's all right. Your festival will finally come tomorrow. Wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

What can I say about you? You are really different! Give some sunshine, you will be brilliant; Give some happiness, you will be romantic; If you give a compliment, you will be flattered; Give some praise, and you will be smelly and beautiful; Give some praise, you will be crazy; Afraid of being fooled, April Fool's Day still hopes to receive short messages. There are trees, there are trees! Happy April Fool's Day!

After waiting for a long time, the salary increased; After reading for a long time, the property price fell; I bought it for a long time and won the lottery; After thinking for a long time, the daughter-in-law has arrived; After a long time, your holiday came and I forgot to tell you that the above is a gift for you on April Fool's Day.

Look at you, the American head, the French waist, the Indian nose, the Hong Kong foot, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts, only one head, two legs.

A spider has 8 legs, but there are 7 left when it falls from the sky. Why? Answer: That leg covers my chest and says it frightens me to death!

Urgent notice: April Fool's Day is coming, and the messages you received on April 1 are false, which means exactly the opposite. Please pay attention. Here is the first one: You are a handsome, handsome and beautiful lover!

I really like your big ears, broad face, thick lips and dark eyes. Your singing voice is very wonderful. The lyrics are always in the same tune - hum hum hum hum. You are my pet pig!

4.1 All supermarkets held a day of large-scale activities to thank new and old customers for their kindness. Activity content: Two thousand yuan in cash will be given when the purchase reaches 100 yuan. If you forward this message, you can get a digital camera with the invoice. Remember to notify each other!

Looking at the empty moon 2024-05-01 07:44:15
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