
How to deal with unreasonable old people

Tianshan Snow Lotus
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Stay away; When the old man is unreasonable, the most conservative way is not to argue with him. If he wants to be greedy, he will give him money (if he doesn't have much money, he will buy him a coffin). If he wants you to give up your seat, he will let you go.

When you meet an old man who is meddling, you must find a way to lead him to a place where there is a monitor. If he wants to fight with you, you can run away (don't fight with him, or you will be responsible for any physical problems later. Now the old man's physical quality is very poor). He is too old to run away from you anyway.

Meet the kind of old man who doesn't do anything but quarrel with you. You should stand away from him. If he scolds you, you should say to him, "Uncle Aunt, I'm not good at hearing, please speak louder?" He comes closer to you, and you should stand away and continue to ask him to speak louder. At least 3 meters away. He yelled at you at the top of his voice. Not only did he feel uncomfortable, but he also drew more people to watch him and felt embarrassed to scold him again.

When dealing with unreasonable old people, you must not be tough, or you will definitely suffer. In confrontation with him, we must avoid being corrupted in a monitored place. It is useless to reason with him. He should not listen to what he says, control his anger, and improvise is the absolute principle.

Tianshan Snow Lotus 2024-05-07 06:23:13
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