
Application for registration of software copyright

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As we all know, trademarks or patents in China need to be registered before they can be protected at the legal level. But the copyright is different. The software automatically owns the copyright from the moment it is finished. Therefore, many people think that it is useless to register software copyright. In fact, copyright registration is the most effective way to prove rights, and can also help enterprises win preferential policies in various assessments. The following section will introduce the methods and functions of software copyright application and registration.

Individual or entrusted agency shall register copyright at China Copyright Protection Center.
Software copyright registration application form filled in as required.
Identification materials of software.
Relevant supporting documents.
Software identification materials include identification materials of programs and documents. The identification materials of programs and documents shall consist of 30 consecutive pages before and after the source program and any document. If the entire program and document are less than 60 pages, the entire source program and document should be submitted. Unless otherwise specified, the program page shall be no less than 50 lines, and the document page shall be no less than 30 lines.
Clarify the ownership of rights as the basis for legal protection, and combat piracy and plagiarism.
Technical financing and share purchase
Increasing the value of intangible assets of enterprises or individuals can be used as capital increase, financing mortgage, technology investment, etc.
Apply for high-tech enterprises and help enterprises reduce or exempt taxes
The premise for the identification of high-tech enterprises can enjoy national and local preferential tax policies.
Necessary for APP on the market
When the APP is launched in the mainstream application market for review, it is mostly required to submit copyright documents.

Put a cup of tea and make it light in the morning 2024-05-07 13:44:20
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