
What are the research methods of the thesis

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The standard research method is a general method of accounting theory research. It is an analytical method that judges the behavior results of economic actors and the systems or policies that produce the results according to certain values or economic theories, and answers what the behavior of economic actors should be.

Empirical research method The empirical research method is a research method to recognize objective phenomena and provide people with practical, useful, definite and accurate knowledge. Its focus is to study what the phenomenon itself is. The empirical research method attempts to surpass or exclude value judgment, only reveals the internal constituent factors of objective phenomena and the universal connection of factors, and summarizes the essence of phenomena and their operating laws.

Case analysis method Case analysis method refers to the training method that takes problems in actual work as cases, gives them to trainees for research and analysis, and cultivates their analytical ability, judgment ability, problem solving ability and business execution ability. Specifically

Comparative analysis is an analytical method that prompts the difference between the actual number and the base through the comparison between the actual number and the base, so as to understand the achievements and problems of economic activities. It is often used in scientific inquiry activities. It is similar to the equivalent substitution method.

Thinking method Thinking method is an important tool for people to think correctly and express their thoughts accurately. The most commonly used scientific thinking methods in scientific research include induction and deduction, analogical reasoning, abstract generalization, thinking and imagination, analysis and synthesis, etc. It has universal guiding significance for all scientific research.

Content analysis method Content analysis method is a research method that describes the content of communication objectively, systematically and quantitatively. Its essence is the analysis of the amount of information contained in the communication content and its changes, that is, the process of inferring the accurate meaning from the meaningful words and sentences represented. The process of content analysis is a process of layer by layer reasoning.

The literature analysis method mainly refers to the method of collecting, identifying and sorting out the literature, and through the study of the literature, forming a scientific understanding of the facts. Literature analysis is an economical and effective method of information collection. It obtains work information through systematic analysis of existing literature related to work. It is generally used to collect the original information of the work and prepare the first draft of the task list.

Mathematic method Mathematic method is to use mathematical tools to deal with a series of quantities of the object of study, leaving aside all other characteristics of the object of study, so as to make correct explanations and judgments, and get the results expressed in digital form. The object of scientific research is the unity of quality and quantity. Their quality and quantity are closely linked, and qualitative change and quantitative change are mutually restricted. In order to achieve a true scientific understanding, we must not only study the qualitative stipulation, but also pay attention to the investigation and analysis of their quantity, so as to more accurately understand the essential characteristics of the research object. The mathematical methods mainly include statistical processing and fuzzy mathematical analysis.

Roses in the wrong season 2024-05-05 16:11:24
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