
How to insert another ppt into a ppt without changing the template

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In our work, sometimes we need to insert another ppt into one ppt and keep the template unchanged. What should we do? There are two methods. Please refer to the following for details.

Method 1

As shown in the figure, this is a template of a ppt. We want to insert this template into another ppt. This template is saved on the computer desktop;

We open office2010 powerpoint. At the beginning, select New Slide, and then select the lowest reusable slide;

Then a window will pop up on the right. Click the drop-down arrow on the right side of Browse, and then select Browse File;

In the pop-up interface, we select the desktop, find the previously saved ppt, and then click Open;

Then we check the reserved source format;

Finally, we can double-click the small slide above. The inserted template is identical, as shown in the figure.

Method 2

Open the ppt to be inserted, right click it and select Copy;

We open an empty ppt, and then right click in the left margin. In the Paste option, choose the second method, which is to keep the paste of the source formula;

Then it is inserted by us. We can delete the blank above. Note: For the deletion method, select it and press the delete key to delete it.

Like to be confused 2024-04-20 13:08:16
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