
Eight 3D illustrations of stretching movements let you say goodbye to periarthritis of shoulder and cervical spondylosis!

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Everyone knows that regular stretching can make your body more soft and prevent some shoulder and neck diseases. But how to stretch to get twice the result with half the effort? The following eight movements are good news for people with periarthritis of shoulder, cervical spondylosis and those who want to lose weight!

Operation method

Stretching the muscles that bend the neck to exercise the sternocleidomastoid muscle is always the main point: put your hands on your hips, and try to lift your chin upward for half a minute.

Hands stretch the side muscles of the neck to exercise the upper part of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and trapezius muscle. Action essentials: sit up, stand up, then touch the right ear with the left hand and lean to the left as far as possible for half a minute, and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

The main points of back muscle movement for baby type exercise: kneel and stand, separate your legs, sit your hips towards your heels, move forward, and try to touch the ground with your forehead.

Side shoulder stretching exercise deltoid movement essentials: stand, straighten the arm, gently press to increase muscle extension, and repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Action essentials of triangular exercise of external oblique abdominis: put your hand in front of the standing leg, keep your back straight, lift the opposite arm, and let your hips open from front to back.

Key points of back and chest muscle training in dog style against the wall: stand a certain distance against the wall, and the body is parallel to the floor. Keep your back flat, then bend slowly from your chest.

Action essentials of butterfly type adductor training: sit down with knees bent, feet facing each other, back straight, gently put your hands on your knees, and lower your hips and knees close to the ground.

Forward bending and folding exercise of hamstring and calf muscles Action essentials: sit on the floor, legs together, straighten and fold forward.

hot tip

Do not exercise too much to avoid pulling up muscles

Fight for face 2024-05-21 10:31:11
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