
Tips on how to remove dental calculus

When I become excellent
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Sometimes brushing teeth can't really make teeth clean. Yellowing or blackening teeth may also be rejected by friends in life communication. It's hard to imagine how embarrassing it would be to be in front of friends if your teeth turned yellow or black. Here's a way to clean your teeth quickly.

Operation method

Grind strawberries into paste, fully mix with baking powder, evenly apply the mixture on the tooth surface with a soft toothbrush, brush off the mixture with toothpaste after 5 minutes, and then rinse.

Dry the orange peel, grind it into powder, and brush your teeth with toothpaste. Your teeth will soon be white.

The vinegar in the home (both aged vinegar and white vinegar can be used, but it can't be vinegar essence) is put in the mouth for 1 to 3 minutes, then spit it out and brush your teeth. The effect is very good! But the teeth will feel very sour and numb (the feeling will last for about 2 minutes). It can't be continuous. Do it often, about once every 2 months. Otherwise, it will be bad for your teeth. When there is an emergency, you can take emergency measures (such as finding your teeth yellow before going out on a date), and you can also get rid of bad breath.

After brushing teeth, rub each tooth with lemon juice

When brushing teeth, use some yeast powder on the toothbrush to help the teeth whiten (a method commonly used by MODELs).

Chew the raw peanuts, don't swallow them. Brush your teeth with peanut crumbs as toothpaste to make your teeth white.

Use the bone of the cuttlefish to crush it and put it on the toothbrush to use as toothpaste, and the pole can see the shadow (cuttlefish is cuttlefish, cuttlefish. It has a big bone, which is white. Scrape it with your nails, and a lot of white powder will come out. Use these powder as toothpaste, and the teeth will become white).

When I become excellent 2024-05-23 20:51:21
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