
Skills of LOL Voidwalker

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I don't need to say that everyone knows that the void walker Kasadin is a magician. Whether it's his moves or his ordinary attacks, we can see that the hero will not live long if he takes the physical attack route, so we chose the magic damage, so in terms of runes, we need to stack our own magic damage. What I summarize for you is that, Yellow advanced armor * 9, blue advanced magic resistance * 9, red advanced magic penetration * 9, and large essence advanced magic intensity * 3.

The cornerstone talent is naturally the first choice for the Thunder Lord's decree, mainly because Cassadine's hand is long enough and has displacement skills. The Thunder Lord's decree is really easy to trigger for him, and the additional damage is high. Therefore, the cornerstone talent can be used to select the Thunder Lord's decree. Generally, the choice of this cornerstone talent is ferocious 12 and crafty 18.

Another cornerstone talent that you may have seen is the nether fire touch. To use this cornerstone talent, you must have one requirement, that is, the hero must have damage skills, while Cassadine's skills are basically damage skills, so you can choose the nether fire touch. Generally speaking, if you choose this cornerstone talent, you can click Fierce 18 and Deception 12.

Kasardin's skill is relatively simple. Let's learn with Xiao Bian that passivity is that Kasardin's magic damage is reduced by 15%, and the size of the collision unit can be ignored. Q skill is like the target's ability ball to launch, and then cause damage to it. W skill is divided into active and passive, but both are related to the mana value, The E skill is to send a pulse to cause damage to the enemy and slow down. The R skill is to send Kassarin to the nearby area.

Since Cassadine is a magician, the appearance is the appearance of APC, and APC is nothing more than Doran Ring and Blood Bottle going out, and then add a pair of shoes. Shoes are the first choice for all APCs, and then the time, the witch, or the witch can be used, and then the later period can be used to produce a golden body, which can effectively protect life, and then the most important equipment, That's the wearing stick.

Kassardin's skills are also relatively simple. We can use magic power and magic strength equipment to become a mage, or use cooling reduction and magic resistance equipment to fight against the other's mage. Kassardin knows a lot about the use of the ultimate skills, and more than most of the ultimate skills in the cold period, you can use it as a regular skill, and also master your own blue BUFF.

It is also very simple to fight against Kassarin. Kassarin mainly causes magic damage to the target. If he develops smoothly, you can consider buying mercury shoes or female demon veil subclass magic resistance clothing to resist him. And every time Kassarin uses R skill continuously, it will consume more magic power. You must know this when you chase him!

Finally, I will tell you about the use of Kasatine. Our Q skill will give us a shield, which is also a very powerful means of consumption. We can use Q skill to stack the damage effect of E skill. In group warfare, we should try E to more people, and observe whether our blue amount is enough to support our R for two or three times.

Rush forward 2024-05-07 04:33:44
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