
What will DNF's Apostle Luke do in the dark?

Miss 18
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After completing the task of Luke the Apostle in the dark of DNF, we can carry out the following main task. If we do not complete the task, we will have no main task to do, but many people will not do this task. Now let's tell you how to do the task of Luke the Apostle in the dark of DNF?

Operation method

First of all, when we are at level 86, we can take the task of DNF's Apostle Luke in the Dark. First, we take this task. We need to complete three conditions: join the joint investigation team, join the adventurers' league, and join the explosive search team. One of them is which we choose when we take the task. We can see that task in the achievement task, As shown in the figure.

Then we accepted the task of joining the Adventurer Alliance in the achievement task, as shown in the figure.

Then we found the "Dana Donat" NPC in the earth orbit center, and we can complete the dialogue, as shown in the figure.

Then we can get members of the Adventurer Alliance. If we choose other formations when we receive tasks, we will get another two members, as shown in the figure.

Then we return to the main line task interface, and we can see that the task of Luke the Apostle in the dark has been completed. We click this task, as shown in the figure.

After completing the dialogue, we can get the reward of the Dark Apostle Luke's task, and then we can get other main line tasks, as shown in the figure.

Miss 18 2024-05-25 22:51:13
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