
VMware 10 Virtual Machine Installation Tutorial

Old people worried
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A friend called me and asked me to tell him how to install the VMware 10 virtual machine. I wrote the installation method of the VMware 10 virtual machine as a tutorial for friends to refer to.

Operation method

The first step of the VMware 10 virtual machine installation tutorial: download the VMware 10 virtual machine software (omitted).

Step 2: Decompress the VMware 10 virtual machine compressed file. Double click the VMware 10 virtual machine compressed file icon to decompress the compressed file;

In the unzip compressed file window, left click: unzip to;

In the unzipping path and selection window, we determine the path to save the unzipped file, and then click OK;

Step 3: Install VMware 10 virtual machine. After decompression, we find the installation file of VMware 10 virtual machine in the folder where the file is saved, and double-click the installation file icon;

Loading: core.cad, wait;

In the VMware 10 virtual machine installation window, click Next;

In the license agreement window, click: I accept the terms in the license agreement. (A) , and then click Next;

In the Installation Type window, we left click Customize and select Custom Installation;

In VMware? In the Workstation function window, (1) click: Change, (2) left click: D: Program Files (x86), (3) click: OK, (4) click: Next; (Note: It is a bit complicated, please follow the steps)

In Workstation? In the server component configuration window, (1) click: Change, (2) left click: D: Program Files (x86), (3) click: OK, (4) click: Next; (Note: It is a bit complicated, please follow the steps)

In the next software update window, click Next;

In the user experience improvement plan window, click Next;

In the shortcut window, we default to the shortcut. Click Next;

After all the preparations are completed, click Continue to start the installation;

Please wait while VMware 10 virtual machine is installed;

In the window of entering license key, click Enter;

Open the downloaded software installation package, find the registry, start it, and enter the license key in the registry into the key box;

VMware 10 virtual machine installation is complete, click Finish.

The above is the VMware 10 virtual machine installation process, which is quite numerous and complex in the 10th and 11th stages. You must follow the steps step by step. If you can't find it, please criticize and correct it. Thank you!

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Old people worried 2024-05-19 04:16:30
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