
I went to the Three Gorges to travel and play the full introduction

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I struggled to go to my cousin's wedding and the Three Gorges during the holiday. Finally, I chose to go to the Three Gorges. The Three Gorges is so attractive to me. Maybe I didn't go there, but I think it's nothing but a dam. Actually, people who have been there don't regret it, and they are deeply attracted by the moving scenery. I am fascinated... May and October are the best seasons to visit the Three Gorges, but May Day and the National Day are the best seasons to visit the Three Gorges, Er... I don't recommend traveling. It's crowded. It's the same everywhere. Even if I go home, I'm crowded on the bus. Let's go for a strategy~


Check the route and weather in advance. Although you have signed up for a tour group, you still need to make sure that you have some choices about the route. Otherwise, you will be tired and can't see anything. Oh, yes, you are strongly recommended to go to the Three Gorges. Otherwise, you will not be able to visit many places. It is extremely inconvenient for individuals to go to the Three Gorges. If you change ships, boats, oil tankers and speedboats for many times, you can find out where to go by yourself. It's the internal price for the staff of the parents' unit. One trip to the store for three days and three nights, including all meals, and one self paid tour (voluntary) is only 980 yuan. It's more preferential! I checked some materials in advance, but I still neglected. The clothes I brought first were not suitable. The temperature difference between day and night in the canyon was large. During the day, short sleeved sunshade, sun umbrella, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen were indispensable. At night, the canyon was windy. I wore a thick coat and hugged my hands. I also had less paper towels. I forgot to bring my toiletries. I thought they would be provided by the place where I lived, Later, I learned that the accommodation cruise ship did not provide all the toiletries, so I had to buy... Fortunately, the people of the Three Gorges are relatively simple and inexpensive... I printed a tour route group on the travel company's website, which seems redundant but actually useful. I didn't warm up when the route map was circulated all the way, and basically stayed on the cruise ship for three days, To avoid seasickness, you need to take the dizziness medicine Fengyoujing. However, the arrangement of the parents' unit is not bad. These are all ready in advance. When you bring everything, you are ready to go!

first day

We left the afternoon the day before yesterday. The tourist bus went from Changde to Hunan to Jingzhou, Hubei, and then from Jingzhou to Yichang. We had dinner in Changde. The first meal was not bad. We started at 5 p.m. and arrived at an island in Yichang at about 11 p.m. (I forgot my name). We stayed on the island of the Yangtze River for the night. The hotel conditions were not bad. It was a warm double room, I had to get up early in the morning. At 6:30, I had a little rest in bed, but I missed breakfast and cried.... After breakfast, I boarded the ship at Yichang Wharf. Hehe, I began to feel a sea of people, especially when I passed the security check. However, this was not bad, and I will also mention a very crowded situation. Boarding, looking for a room, getting the key, and just finishing the job, I heard the death announcement on the radio. Hurry up to the fourth floor deck. Ten minutes before the ship leaves, it's free, and there will be a charge later. Tourists hurry to experience it. Well, once I heard that the greed for bargains is causing trouble, put down things, and went straight to the fourth floor. When I got up, I found that I was not alone, but crowded there. Then the guide handed out leaflets, It's said that you can enjoy the sightseeing platform on the third floor and the fourth floor, KTV, card room, snacks and tea free of charge when you apply for a VIP card. If you don't apply for a VIP card, you will not be allowed to enter, and the number of seats is limited. So everyone entered the first trap carefully prepared, and bought a VIP card for 60 yuan

Trap 1: Don't apply for the so-called VIP card. It is not in line with the regulations. We have already paid the money to get on the cruise ship and need to buy a VIP card to move on the cruise ship. It is like giving food for dinner and paying extra money for dinner. However, many people have done it. It is estimated that the income on the ship alone will reach more than 10000. Later, we still go in and out without the card, At most, I will talk about you when I see you in the daytime, but I will not drive you away. At night, I can get in and out freely, and playing cards is free, which is fake. The card table is free, and the cards charge money. Well... KTV, I don't want to say, is a restaurant in the daytime. Remove the tables and chairs in the evening, and place a TV and DVD player to become a KTV. Terrified... snacks are the colorless and tasteless kind of popcorn, which makes me dizzy... and small peas, I have a toothache.

The first day of the official tour started. The scenery is still good. The gentle wind and warm sun, the boat moving in the canyon, the mountains on both sides of the river are endless, beautiful and pleasant. I recall a poem by Mr. Taibai, the poet of poetry, saying goodbye to the White Emperor in the morning and the colorful clouds, and the thousands of miles of Jiangling is still alive every day. The boat passed thousands of mountains with apes shouting without endless. Our destination is Baidi City. There is no ape sound on both sides of the river, but monkeys have seen many lovely macaques. At noon, I arrived at the first scenic spot, Gezhouba Dam, and passed through the gate of Gezhouba Dam No. 2 Ship Lock. In the past, I often talked about the first level ship lock and the second level ship lock in class, but I still don't know what it is. Now I have experienced it personally and realized that it seems that there is an old saying: reading thousands of books is better than traveling thousands of miles. I'm still right. We first entered the dam gate, then closed the gate, and the ship entered a closed space. Then we were all wondering what would happen. We saw a watermark at an elevation of five or sixty meters above our head. We were at the highest observation platform of the ship, and we guessed that it would not rise there. Then we let the water rise, and slowly rose from the bottom of the gate to basically parallel to the gate, It was a pleasant feeling, and it was amazing. When we reached a certain height, we opened the upstream gate, and the boat passed the Gezhouba Dam. Looking at the Gezhouba Dam far away, we were amazed. How clever we were... In the afternoon, when we arrived at the Three Gorges family, we paid our own visit, but we didn't go, but other teams went. The boat docked and waited for three hours. I went to see it, but the tickets were too expensive, I forgot whether it was 160 or 120. It was not worth it. The only thing I was interested in was that there were many small shops buying special products. My shopping impulse made me linger on the ferry for a long time. Finally, I went to my brother who checked the ticket and said that I wanted to buy some special products to take home as a gift. Hehe... I don't know whether it was the beauty effect, but someone pushed me forward before I finished, I went shopping across the pontoon. After entering the garden, I found that the landscape was almost the same. Fortunately, I didn't buy a ticket.

Later, I visited many canyons.

the second day

I was called up at 6 o'clock just to watch the sunrise. How could I possibly see it? We were in the canyon. The cabin with six people in one room was a bit crowded. I brought water out to brush my teeth. It was very cold. The cabin closest to the bow where we lived was very cold. When I brushed my teeth in the bow, I shivered cold, but it was really comfortable. In the quiet canyon, there were a few faint lights, although I was brushing my teeth, I was moved by the water in the mountain. I quickly withdrew into my room and put on my coat. When I got to the observation deck, I found that I was watching the twelve peaks of Wushan Mountain. First, it was very cold. I held my mother to keep warm. Later, I still couldn't do it. I put on my hat. No, sneezing and sniveling went up together. I felt dizzy... After watching most of the peaks, I came down, but the scenery was super good. It was still dark, The mountain is shrouded in layers of fog, with pure water, beautiful mountains and gentle wind. Apart from being too cool, it is really a kind of enjoyment... The most impressive thing is the Goddess Peak, which is very special. No wonder Chairman Mao praised it as "the Goddess should be safe and shocked the world", which is really amazing. In the morning, we arrived in Wushan County and changed to a sightseeing cruise. This is a luxury cruise. We sat on the third floor. The tour guide was very gentle, and the soft voice has always been lingering in our ears. The most thing we did on the cruise was to take photos. The wind was strong in the bow, the sun was warm, and we took photos with sunshades and sunglasses. The scenery was not good, hehe, I don't know why the most POSEs are taken at the bow?

Guess what, of course, it's the classic POSE in the Titanic. Mummy and I also put it on the spot. Haha, it's a great pleasure to visit today. Later, we took a boat to visit the Little Three Gorges. Because the big boat can't get in, everyone gave us a life jacket, and then we swam with the boat in the canyon. The water is blue, like sea water, and the mountain has layers of traces washed by water, Surprisingly, in the deep canyon, there was a straw shed halfway up the mountain, where a man played the suona. The long folk song suona was winding in the canyon, which was very beautiful. The simple boatman also presented us several folk songs, very interesting love songs. Later, the boatman took out a set of coir raincoat and coir rainhat, and said that I could wear this to take photos. Of course, I went forward bravely, Because I really want to know what it feels like to wear that, but I have to take off my life jacket on the water more than 170 meters deep and stand at the bow of the boat. The small wooden boat looks very fragile, but I was too excited to think so much. I held a woven basket there and laughed and blossomed, hehe... Finally, the camera on the whole boat snapped at me, almost shaking me back, scared

Today, I visited the Three Gorges Dam, ha ha... Of course, we can't cross the dam from the Yangtze River. The Three Gorges is a three-level ship lock and a direct lift elevator ship lock. Ships can pass through the security check. Tourists must go ashore to transfer to tourist buses. Cars and people must pass the security check at different levels to enter the dam area, and we can't get off at will, I can only get off at the scenic spots to visit. The Three Gorges Dam is amazing. It's super grand... I visited many scenic spots in the Three Gorges, and was very impressed with a bridge. Xiling Yangtze River Bridge is the first suspension bridge on the Yangtze River, without a pier. When it was built, its span was the first in China and the seventh in the world, with a cost of 380 million, I was shocked again

Today, I also went to many small places, such as temples, I forgot my name, and went up the mountain to collect Guanyin water. It was a very good day.

on the third day

Entering Chongqing and taking a tourist bus to Baidi City, it's a great dream. But Mommy didn't plan to go there. After several days of climbing mountains and wading rivers, she just lost her physical strength, but of course I forced her to go there. Hehe, later she sat in the pavilion to rest. I climbed and climbed alone, but there was no master of history, my mommy, My limited knowledge simply failed to link up the whole historical story. It was dull and half crowded. There were so many people, which can be described as one after another. Here is a very local product, Kuimen Woodcombs. When we went up the mountain, the price was 3-5 yuan. When we went down the mountain, the price was 10 yuan and 15 yuan. It scared me. Some people earned money from them. The working people in the mountain were very simple and lovely. But I was crazy. Mother who didn't go up the mountain naturally took on the task of carrying bags. As a result, I could not buy any money on her, I really want to find something to exchange... It's cheaper to buy things when you go out of tourist attractions than when you go into tourist attractions~

In the afternoon, I visited the last scenic spot, Jiuwanxi. Unexpectedly, there was a finale. The scenery of Jiuwanxi is really beautiful. It may be the last day of the May Day holiday. I witnessed the most tourists in Jiuwanxi. God bless me. The queue for life jackets is getting wider and wider, but the entrance is so large and there are so many people, Soon my mother and I were washed away. I almost suffocated on the way forward. Really, I was worried about my mother, but I couldn't even turn back when there were so many people. A little boy next to me was squeezed to a bloody nose on the spot. I quickly picked him up. His father was laughing. I was dizzy. Brother Northeast, you must be too crowded~~~We turned into the ticket office, Then someone dealt with me and I came out. When I came out, I found that I could not get into the queue. I was crowded tightly. After studying for a long time, I decided to go out with my arms first and move slowly. As a result, a group of Henan people shouted that they wanted to jump in the queue. They had to shrink back. When the time finally came to get a life jacket and wait for my mother at the boarding gate, hehe, I watched a play for free, The group of Henan people who were shouting just now had a fight with the ticketing staff. I was very interested in watching it. It was just a reward for nearly killing me... Well, it was worth it to visit Jiuwanxi and see a play for free... I went to Zigui, the hometown of Qu Yuan, on a small dragon boat with Mommy and others. The dragon boat was really small, fast, wobbly, and I felt unsafe, The water is almost 200 meters deep, scared... Mommy is so nervous that she doesn't speak. I diverted her attention while enlightening. I also took some pictures of her holding the side of the boat tightly, ha ha... When I rowed freely, I didn't know how, the water soared when the oar went down. Fortunately, my brother in front of me was still motionless, and my mommy was miserable. The person in front of her was very enthusiastic about rowing, Splashed all over my mother's body, embarrassed

Zigui, it's super fun. Mommy is watching the performance. I'm comfortable when I cross the pontoon bridge and climb the plank road. However, the life jacket is not allowed to take off during the whole process. It may fall into the water at any time, which makes me sweat all over

After going ashore, I took a tourist bus back. When I passed a station guarded by the armed police, I thought that my brother was very handsome and took photos with a camera. As a result, we were blocked. The whole bus didn't know what was happening and was scared... The brother of the armed police waved for death outside. We were going to get off the bus for security check, but he meant no photos, dizzy, I quickly posed as if I were not taking pictures~~Crying... I thought I was going to confiscate my camera. I have been passing through the tunnel since I came back. One by one, I can't help sighing again

When I got home late at night, I was seasick all the time. I didn't expect that the journey would be so pleasant and I couldn't go home. I was always swaying on the car or on the boat. I didn't get used to it when I got home. What I did on the boat was swaying with the boat. It was smooth at home. I vomited, and I felt dizzy and weak. My mother always said that I had too much energy, Bouncing like a rabbit every day, she came home to take care of me, dizzy

The Three Gorges is really worth visiting. There are many historical and cultural heritage sites in the Three Gorges. I haven't described them one by one, and there are also small scenic spots. When you go there, you will know that you can sit in the bow of a boat at night and swim in the Yangtze River, blowing a slightly fragrant wind. The canyon is quiet, and the night sky is dotted with stars. The mountains on both sides are towering, and a little light is shining in the mountains, Navigation lights guide the way forward... I was very moved and enjoyed putting my head on the guardrail, slowly melting into the pure world, forgetting impetuosity and sadness, and quietly moving forward

Moonlit 2024-05-16 10:04:34
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