
Homemade Chestnut Cake

Unique rabbit
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The delicious chestnut cake made at home uses pure natural chestnut kernels without any preservatives. Chestnut cake is golden yellow, no shell, no grain, no impurities, soft and delicious, crisp, soft, smooth, sweet but not greasy, cool and palatable! Don't you want to try the chestnut cake with good color, fragrance and taste?

Operation method

Pour the cooked chestnut kernel into the blender and stir it into powder for use (if there is no blender to break the chestnut kernel, you can put the chestnut kernel into the food bag and crush it with a rolling pin)

Mix flour with yeast powder, a little water to form a dough (the dough is "three light", smooth, hand light and basin light), leave it for 20 minutes, and mix chestnut powder with a little lard (salad oil or butter can be used instead) and sugar to form a chestnut ball

Divide the dough into 6 equal parts and roll it into dough with a rolling pin

Add some chestnut stuffing into the dough

Close the mouth and knead it into buns

With the mouth down, roll the steamed bun into sheets with a rolling pin, roll it up along the edge, sprinkle a little flour, roll it again, and then flatten it with the palm of your hand

Sprinkle a little black sesame

The oil in the pan is 70% hot. Put the cake into the pan and brush oil on both sides

Bake the pancake until both sides are golden

hot tip

1. Chestnut kernel itself is sweet, so you should not add too much sugar.

2. Chestnuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which can prevent and treat hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis and other diseases. It is a good tonic for anti-aging and longevity.

Unique rabbit 2024-05-13 05:38:05
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