
How to call women in ancient times

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The appellation of ancient women varies with different times and regions. The following are some common appellations of ancient women:

1. Women: This is the most common ancient female address, referring to married women. In ancient society, women's status was relatively low, and family and marriage were their main life contents.

2. Women: This refers to unmarried women or young married women. In ancient society, women had a relatively high status because they had not yet married and had more time and opportunities to learn and develop their talents.

3. Madam: This refers to married women, usually women with higher status, such as the wives of nobles and officials.

4. Wife and Wife: This refers to married women, usually women with lower status, such as the wives of ordinary people.

5. Daughter: This refers to a woman's own daughter, usually an unmarried woman. In ancient society, the status of daughters was relatively low, because they needed to be attached to their father or husband, and had no autonomy.

6. Girl: This refers to young women, usually unmarried women. In ancient society, girls had a relatively high status because they were not married and had more opportunities to contact the outside world and develop their talents.

7. Female officials: This refers to female officials, usually holding positions exclusive to women, such as palace maids, concubines, etc.

In a word, the appellation of ancient women varies according to different times and regions, but most of them are related to marriage and family. Women's status in ancient society was relatively low, but there were some exceptions, such as female talents, female poets, etc. They gained certain social status and recognition through their talents and efforts.

A red heart 2024-04-20 14:53:07
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